Unreal Tournament 2007 (video)

Blizzard announced Starcraft 2 (+2 trailers)

Starcraft 2

The company Blizzard Entertainment officially announced Starcraft 2 , finally approving - the game to be! At the same time, two trailers were presented showing gameplay. You can watch the video inside the news.

As seen on the trailers, Starcraft 2 looks the same as the first part, but with 3D graphics. Of course, the video is difficult to judge the gameplay and game dynamics, but as it seemed to me in these components, the new part of the cult strategy will not yield to the original Starcraft. I especially recommend watching the second trailer, where the dynamics of the battle are very colorfully shown. In general, we look and share our impressions.

Video 1

Video 2

According to the materials http://www.1up.com

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/entertainment/blizzard-anonsirovala-starcraft-2-2-treylera.html.
