Unreal Tournament 2007 (video)

Sony decided on the official name for Motion Controller


If you believe Joystiq and Electronista, Sony has already decided on the official name for its newest game controller, which is still known as the Motion Controller. The fact is that in his recent speech, THQ CEO Brian Farrell (Brian Farrell) repeatedly mentioned about him and at the same time he used the phrase Arc.

It should be noted that the text of the speech of the head of THQ was prepared in advance, so that random errors simply could not be. By the way, Brian Farrell also said that new game controllers like Project Natal from Microsoft and PlayStation Arc open new perspectives to his company.

It is possible that the head of THQ meant the working title of the Motion Controller in his speech, but recall that Sony uses a different working title, Gem, within the company, just like an online photoshop. At the official level, this device is still known as the Motion Controller, but as we can see, the possibility is not excluded that it will be given the official name PlayStation Arc. Its supplies are scheduled for this fall.

Source: Electronista

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/games/sony-opredelilas-s-oficialnym-nazvaniem-dlya-motion-controller.html.
