Unreal Tournament 2007 (video)

PlayStation Move Controller officially introduced

PlayStation Move

No matter how long this premiere was carried forward, Sony finally unveiled its promised PlayStation Move controller, a ready-made version of the PS3 control device. Appearance corresponds to what was supposed earlier, only the user can choose the color of the “tip”. The controller is also equipped with an additional device with a panel that determines the direction of movement in the manner of the Nintendo Wii.

However, at the conference it was noted that the new system is much more accurate than that of Nintendo. Move can recognize the angle, position and speed of movement, so that the game becomes more interesting and gym equipment for the house begins to take less space. Two controllers can be used as a pair of swords, and in multiplayer games will be assumed several devices by the number of players. By the way, the games for Move are now at the development stage, and it is possible that they will resemble those made for Wii. The presentation was demonstrated demo version of LittleBigPlanet and SOCOM 4.

Sony plans to start selling Move this fall. The controller will be equipped with different devices for players of different levels: for example, the camera will also be included in the basic Starter Kit. By the way, it will cost up to $ 100.

Move controller

Move в действии

Source: electronista.com
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