Unreal Tournament 2007 (video)

Sony prepares cloud-based consoles


Sony is preparing a surprise for gamers - its new Internet Player console, based on the Google TV platform, will receive support from OnLive cloud technologies.

Officially, this has not yet been reported, but the site VentureBeat was able to detect the description of the console Internet Player, which indicates that the OnLive controller is one of the supported devices. From this we can conclude that Sony will supply consoles with pre-installed software to work with OnLive.


The cooperation of the two companies will begin with the Internet Player, before they did not have joint projects. If OnLive takes root on Sony consoles, then cloud games have a great future, which can, perhaps, slow Internet with high latency. However, for most people in developed countries, high-speed Internet and game consoles have long become more familiar than tennis tables or board games. And OnLive, in perspective, will make them even less popular - with the help of the service, the most modern games can be run even on weak systems, since the creation of a picture takes place on a remote server, after which it comes to the user as a video stream.

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/games/sony-gotovit-pristavki-s-podderzhkoj-oblachnyx-igr.html.
