Unreal Tournament 2007 (video)

Microsoft invests $ 1 billion in Xbox One game development


When Microsoft officially introduced its new Xbox One game console earlier this month, the company focused more on the new multimedia features of the console. But this does not mean that Microsoft has completely forgotten about the games - that is, about why they are buying game consoles.

According to the latest information, besides the fact that the company promises to release 15 exclusive games for Xbox One during the first year of console sales, Microsoft is going to invest $ 1 billion to develop various game titles.

In addition, one of the developers of the new console, Bob Brown, in an interview with the portal Pocket-Lint shared information that the new controller for the Xbox One can serve customers for about 7-10 years, if not more.


According to a company representative, the new controller was tested for six months, within which the buttons of the game controller 4-5 times per second ruthlessly pressed the “finger” of the test equipment. As a result, the buttons surrendered only after 3 million clicks. The company calculated the results and it turned out that the average player's life cycle of the controller will be about 10 years. That is, it will work as much as it will be an approximate time indicator of the life cycle of the console of this generation. Of course, if you do not break it on purpose.

In addition, we recall, it became known that the production of iron for the Xbox One cost $ 3 billion.

New information about the console, we are likely to be able to find out in the game exhibition E3.

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/games/microsoft-investiruet-1-milliard-dollarov-v-razrabotku-igr-dlya-xbox-one.html.
