Unreal Tournament 2007 (video)

Trinity Magnum - new game controller for Oculus Rift

Игровой контроллер для Oculus Rift

Startup Trinity VR on Kickstarter began to raise funds necessary for the implementation of the Trinity Magnum game controller, designed for the Oculus Rift virtual reality helmet.

The controller is a fairly large plastic device in the shape of a weapon, resembling a PlayStation Move. Because of its shape, the device can be held either with one hand or with two hands, depending on the application. The controller has two joysticks, four buttons, a trigger and the possibility of vibration feedback, reports Engadget.

To track the position of the controller during virtual shooting, inexpensive and accurate 9-axis sensors are used, which provide minimal delays, no more than 30 milliseconds, orientation accuracy of 2 degrees and positioning of 3 millimeters. Also to determine the direction of the device Trinity Magnum is equipped with an additional camera. It is reported that in the future will be added the ability to interact with the DK2 / CV1 Oculus, PSEye, Microsoft Kinect for Windows cameras, as well as conventional webcams with support for OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library).

To launch the controller in production, the developers of Trinity Magnum need to collect on the Kickstarter resource 60 thousand dollars. At the time of this writing, the project creators have already received 12 thousand dollars. Note that the cost of one device is $ 100.

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/games/trinity-magnum-novyj-igrovoj-kontroller-dlya-oculus-rift.html.
